
     Many people know what the word accountability means and what it stands for, but few actually exercise it. Most people run from the concept and look to blame instead of being accountable.  Others look for services such as trainers and life coaches to help them be accountable.  This is my take on accountability and responsibility based on what I have seen. As a transformation specialist, it is my job to guide people in the direction of where their dreams lie so that they can move forward right away.

     One of the most important things I teach people is accountability. It seems many people have lost the notion of having power and responsibility because of a society that justifies actions with blame.  I would like to leave the words “fault” and “blame” behind and focus only on cause. Cause has brought us all to where we are because we have the choice of how we react to what happens to us. We decide if we learn the lessons, and we decide if we repeat the mistakes. WE are at cause. We are at cause for being worried and stressed, we are at cause for being angry, anxious, and fearful. Our thoughts about situations and our focus cause us to feel the way we do making us be at cause. Every cause has an effect though, and that is where our power lies. If we can remain accountable for our thoughts, emotions, actions, and realize our bodies mostly react to our thoughts, then we can change the effects. We CAN change the results in our lives. Accountability is accepting that we are at cause and have the power to change the effects.

     The importance of being accountable is found in the ability to change our perception of our circumstances. Perception, or how we see things, can help us find the solutions we often seek. Being accountable of our perception is powerful. Learning the lessons sooner than later builds confidence, saves time, and makes the journey more enjoyable. It’s like being in school and understanding the homework assignment as soon as it is given. It’s like knowing that the assignment must still be done, but also knowing that because you understood the lesson, you will have much more time for play after completing it.

     Without internal reflection, it is difficult to keep our power. We must look inside ourselves and ask what we can do about the situation and how we can act on it now. We can also seek advice from those who are on the “outside looking in” and ask for their perspective. Most importantly though, we must hold on tightly to our power. Never let anyone tell you that you are a victim, because that robs you of your power. You cannot be the Victim and the Vitor simultaneously. Victims are at the mercy of others. Victors are the true Alchemists of life, they take the cards they are dealt, the cards they drew, and the cards they created, and turn every situation into a golden opportunity because they are always accountable. So experience the power of accountability and take charge of your life today.

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