Our Philosophies are our Strengths

In 2014, my dream came to life as the establishment of Evolution Revolution.  My idea was to Educate, Inspire, and Empower people to Transform their lives. Before this idea came to life, I had to study and do research on why people do what they do, and why they don’t do what they don’t do. Human behavior and psychology seemed to be the most popular sciences that showed results in the change of human behavior. Unfortunately, they are based on diagnosing and labeling people’s behaviors and in turn, people themselves. I had to find another way.

In my search I found various disciplines that promote the ability for ANYONE to change, and the responsibility for one’s own actions.  No labeling, no condemning, just resolving. It was a form of solution based thinking. As I further looked into these disciplines, I found many of them looped and connected to each other. So what are these disciplines and what do they do?

The first discipline is NeuroLinguistics Programming (NLP). I like to capitalize “Linguistics” because body and verbal languages are extremely important to this practice.  As in the name, this practice aims to rewire the unconscious behavior removing the pressure off of sheer WILL.  In his book, “The Biology of Belief,” Bruce Lipton, a biologist formerly researcher at Stanford University, reveals that the unconscious/subconscious mind controls the body 95% of the time and the conscious mind only 5%. This is why habits and behaviors that have been reinforced through time are so difficult to get rid of. NLP techniques are immensely useful to reprogram the part of the mind most people do not know how to access.   NLP also reinforces the use of language, both verbal and physical to develop and enhance communication skills. This particular study helps in relationships, work environment, sales, and self programming.  Of course NLP goes a lot deeper than what I mention here. In fact, Tony Robbins has used NLP techniques throughout his career. He has mentioned NLP in several interviews.

The second discipline is the famous “Law of Attraction (LOA).”  This is also known as Rhonda Byrnes named it “The Secret.”  The basic explanation of this is “Energy flows where attention goes.”  In Albert Einstein’s words, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” The power of thought, the power of visualization, and the power of focus are all variations of ways to tune into what we desire. In one explanation by Abraham Hicks, it is said that one must tune into the radio station frequency to receive the signals. This is what Einstein meant by matching the frequency. In our seminars and coaching sessions, LOA techniques are used to further enhance confidence and increase probability of success. Learn how to “tune into” the frequency of the reality you want by joining us at http://www.myevolutionrevolution.com.

Transformation comes from the changes that are necessary inside and out. Feel the way you want to feel and do the things that need to be done in order to achieve success. This is not magic, YOU MUST DO THE WORK.  The processes we use are for guidance and facilitation, but it is the client that must have what is necessary to succeed. What is it that you need to bring?

1) Commitment: Your level of commitment will determine your results. Show up and be present. If you schedule, you are expected to show up. Attention is required and you will receive the benefits fully.

2) Faith: You must believe in something. You can call it God, the Universe, Your Higher Self, Buddha, Etc.  Faith of any kind, is necessary to follow through. Most people quit what they doubt and do not believe in.

3) Honesty: Lying to yourself is no longer allowed. Be prepared to face your demons and be honest with yourself. This is the only way you will be able to extract the negative thoughts and target negative behaviors that are holding you back.

4) Willingness: Be willing to learn, to accept, to change, and to WORK FOR IT. Be willing to be guided through these processes. We cannot help anyone who does not want help. Then again, who doesn’t want any help at all? At some point in life, we all need someone else.

Dear friends, thank you for reading this far. If you or anyone you know is ready to embark in this life transforming journey with us, sign up at http://www.myevolutionrevolution.com. We look forward to show you the beauty of life when you are responsible for your results. Take life by the horns and live it to the fullest!!! You will never be younger than today! In five years you could be a transformed version of yourself, or the same as you are today. The decisions you make now will affect your future exponentially.

With Much Love, Respect, and Wishes of Prosperity,

Christine Martinez

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